Ezfeeda FAQs
Ezfeeda FAQs
Here are some frequently asked questions that will help you answers you questions that your unsure about?
If you still have any further questions please contact Ezfeeda

Q - I'm a fishing tackle store/business outside the UK, can I sell Ezfeeda products?
A - Yes you can, simply contact Ezfeeda via email or using our contact form
Note: please visit our Distributors page for Ezfeeda Distributors outside UK.
Q - Where is Ezfeeda based and have you got an shop?
A - Ezfeeda is based in Brentwood, and no because Ezfeeda is an online retail shop.
Q - What is the difference between an adjustable Ezfeeda compared with an original?
A- The difference is that you can adjust the firing distance with all Ezfeeda's however the Adjustable's shaft can be made shorter for ease of use

Original Shaft
Original Shaft

Adjustable Shaft
Adjustable Shaft
Q - Could you please tell me the distances you can get for each elastic?
A - All ezfeeda’s have a distance stop ring that you can alter. The standard elastic which is fitted to all ezfeeda’s when new, gives approximately 16 metres on max setting with the o ring set 6 centimetres from the bung, to give holding space for 1 hand and giving balance to the power. This applies to maggots, casters, and no 6 pellets which are about the same weight. Sweetcorn which is slightly more heavy can achieve 20 metres. Both models are the same but one comes with 3 changeable cups. More distance can be had with the medium and High power Spare Elastics, but it does depend on the weight you are firing, bearing in mind that there is a maximum of about 50 metres
Q - What types of bait does the Ezfeeda fire?
A - Most particle baits such as maggots,casters,pellets and sweetcorn. It also fires groundbait, the cup at the top of the Ezfeeda can be pushed into your groundbait without soiling your hands

Q - Could you please tell me the distances you can get for each elastic?
A - All ezfeeda’s have a distance stop ring that you can alter. The standard elastic which is fitted to all ezfeeda’s when new, gives approximately 16 metres on max setting with the o ring set 6 centimetres from the bung, to give holding space for 1 hand and giving balance to the power. This applies to maggots, casters, and no 6 pellets which are about the same weight. Sweetcorn which is slightly more heavy can achieve 20 metres. Both models are the same but one comes with 3 changeable cups. More distance can be had with the medium and High power Spare Elastics, but it does depend on the weight you are firing, bearing in mind that there is a maximum of about 50 metres
Q - Can I buy spare Ezfeeda cups?
A - Yes only in a set of 3 in different sizes.
The first cup is the small cup with the internal dimension of 22mm
The second cup is the medium size with the internal dimension of 28mm
The third cup is the largest cup size with the internal dimension of 38mm
you can purchase these by going to our store on website or simply on the button below

Q - Do you supply Ezfeeda's in different colours?
A - No, The Fixed Cup model is green and the Multicup model is Maroon.
Q - Can I stop my Ezfeeda Carriage from flying off into the water when the elastics breaks?
A - Yes, Checking the elastic regularly by pulling back to maximum ( 6cm from Bung ) and checking for splits on the elastics.
We advise if their are splits on the Elastic, change elastic. If you need to purchase a new elastics please button below.